Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op supports palliative care



Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op human resources mananger Glenda Finkewich presenting cheques to Mary Ellen Clark (top picture) and JoAnn Beavington (bottom picture) on Thursday, Jan. 5.

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Palliative care across the region has received some much needed support. On Thursday, Jan. 5, Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op donated cheques for $736.00 to Neepawa and Area Palliative Care and Seven Regions Palliative Care of Gladstone and Area. Co-op human resources manager Glenda Finkewich who presented the cheques, said the Co-op always tries to be a good community partner in every community it’s a part of. 

“It means a lot to us and our employees to be able to show our support. [The Co-op] employees were given several options of local groups to support and palliative care in Neepawa and Gladstone were the top choices,” stated Finkewich.

Mary Ellen Clark of Neepawa and Area Palliative Care thanked the Co-op and its employees for recognizing the urgent need for support.

“We rely on donation dollars, because we are not covered by government funding or any other funding. But our services are recognized as being very valuable to our region. There’s no doubt about that, but there’s no money available to us and our program. So, any donations like this are huge to help with the ongoing programs that we run in our communities.” said Clark. “It’s great that Co-op has initiated this and that their employees have bought into this, because this money does stay local and looks after local families.”

Seven Regions Palliative Care of Gladstone and Area coordinator of volunteers JoAnn Beavington echoed those sentiments

“This type of support is absolutely invaluable, because we rely on donations. We don’t receive any funding from government. It’s all from fundraising and donations. So this is great.” Beavington said.

Palliative care involves the use of trained volunteers offering emotional support, comfort, and practical assistance to individuals and families living with a life-threatening or terminal illness, to improve their quality of life.