The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) is celebrating their 20th anniversary since amalgamating in 1999. Prior to 1999, the Union of Manitoba Municipalities served rural areas, and the Manitoba Association of Urban Municipalities served urban areas. All municipalities within Manitoba are now a part of the AMM.

Joe Masi is the Executive Director of the AMM and acknowledges that this is a big milestone for the province as many other provinces still see two separate entities lobbying for the rural and urban areas. Masi notes that they have been celebrating for some time now, having luncheons for past presidents and members who helped bring AMM together. They will also be celebrating the anniversary by having a Gala, featuring Rick Mercer as a speaker.

Over the years the AMM has been a part of many changes and achievements. Masi explains the business side to AMM is one of the biggest highlights. Noting they have worked to create infrastructure programs for municipalities, negotiated a gas tax agreement, and ran a very successful fair share fair say campaign during the last provincial election.