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Medela Swing


  • $100.00
  • Brandon

The Medela Swing Single Electric Breast Pump is an easy-to-use, compact and lightweight pump that starts pumping by using a faster setting. It gives a pumping function for a single side, so you can stay connected to your baby and continue feeding.

This pump is an effective way to get your milk flowing on the go, and it's perfect for those who are reluctant to pump in public or who have difficulty pumping manually. This shield is designed with a whole new battery-powered pumping experience in mind, making it easier and more comfortable to pump. Additionally, the Swing Single electric pump comes with a rechargeable battery, so you can keep using it indefinitely.

Purchased for $184.99 new. Fully functional, zero issues with function, and completely sanitized. Selling for $100.00.

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Posted Friday, November 29, 2024
Expires in 3 days (Wednesday, January 29)


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