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Westman Naturalists - Brandon Christmas Bird Count

 Sunday, December 15 (In 3 days) 8:00am  Recreation

Get ready for the annual Brandon Christmas Bird Count (CBC)! The Christmas Bird Count is North America's longest-running citizen science project and has a long and important history of tracking bird populations and trends across North America.

There are two ways to participate in a Christmas Bird Count. You can join a group as a Field Counter within an assigned area, or be a Feeder Watcher and count the birds that are attracted to your yard and feeders. All skill levels are welcome to join the count, beginner birders will be partnered with more experienced groups and help with identifying birds will be available. Participants are welcome to join for a full day of counting or the amount of time that best suits them.

If you have questions or are looking for information on other CBCs in the area, please email us at westman.naturalists@gmail.com. After filling out the form we will contact you for more information.

We'll be hosting a potluck for participants after the count once again. It's a great opportunity to socialize and tell everyone about the birds you saw!

Participation: Please complete this short form to sign-up for this event. We will email you with specific details a day or so before the event. Car pooling might be available.

In and Around Brandon

 Joined: Before 2007
 Events: 2 (View)

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