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Dauphin Lake...Not that far from you


  • $59,900.00
  • Dauphin

OUR LOTS ARE PERFECT FOR VACATION / COTTAGE LIVING, year-round home, or retirement living or simply as an investment. You will have full ownership(title) to your lot(s). Put your dock in the 160 foot wide canal and dock your boat at the edge of your property. You will have FREE AND EASY ACCESS TO THE LAKE. Enjoy all kinds of water activities such as boating ? water skiing, paddle boarding, canoeing, fantastic pickerel fishing - summer and winter, as well as quadding, snowmobiling, and a nearby golf-course.

OLD TOWN HARBOUR is a waterfront subdivision located on the south shore of Lake Dauphin. We offer LARGE (80 ft X 200 ft) SERVICED, affordable floodproof waterfront lots for sale, 15 minutes from the City of Dauphin and less than ? hour from the north entrance to RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK, a little over 2 hours from Brandon.

WE ARE OFFERING OUR LOTS AT AN ALL-INCLUSIVE PRICE. Legal fees to register your lot, an approach from the street into your property, and lot maintenance for 5 years are all included in the price.


The Municipality currently offers a two-year TAX INCENTIVE PROGRAM where your annual municipal taxes are completely covered.

You don?t have to be wealthy to have a home on the lake? Old Town Harbour blends economy with quality. Come for a visit and see firsthand how welcoming, peaceful, and diverse the region is.

FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY VISITS OUR WEBSITE www.oldtownharbour.ca, call /text the owners at 1-204-402-0314, or 1-204-761-6165.

Realtors welcome.







 Joined: Before 2007
 Ads: 2 (View)

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Posted Sunday, July 14, 2024
Expires in 150 days (Monday, July 14)


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