Sparks Sand & Gravel Ltd ( New Ownership) (New Pay Rate)
Looking for Equipment Operator and truck driver with Class 1 drivers license to join our team.
-Competitive Wages
- Benefit plan
- RSP Plan
Skills & Abilities
Class 1A License
- FR Clothing
- H2S, First Aid & Common Safety Orientation (would be an asset)
- Drive semi-truck (manual transmission) and end dump or belly dump trailer
- Operate heavy equipment as required
- Be able to follow company requirements regarding safety, pre and post trip inspection, etc.
- Must be physically able to do light labor as required, (climbing into trailer boxes)
- Positive attitude and ability to work in a team environment
-Ability to work 10 hours/day (possible overtime)
- Weekend work as required
- Must be dependable
Experience in the following fields would be an asset.
-Equipment operation (track hoe, loader, dozer and grader)
-Truck operating
-Gravel hauling
If interested in applying, please submit resume to:
Drop off resume at the office Corner of PR259 and Hwy 83 turn north at Co-op Cardlock
T: 204-748-3019
Sparks Sand &amp&#59;amp&amp&#59;#59&#59;amp&amp&#59;amp&amp&#59;#59&#59;#59&amp&#59;#59&#59; Gravel
Ad Stats
Posted Wednesday, September 25, 1:14 PM
Expires in 15 days (Saturday, October 26)