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Vintage Guitar Magazine Collection


  • $80.00
  • Minnedosa

 I have a collection of vintage guitar magazines over 30-40 years old. Most of them are in very good condition with no rips or tears and some show definite signs of wear. The 1990s issues are still crisp and shiny and still have removable posters and fold outs. They`re in excellent condition other than a change in the color of some of the pages. Some of the older Guitar Player issues still have the playable "Soundpage" inside that could be played on a record player. That`s rare to see.

 I`ve seen individual issues of these magazines selling on ebay. Some are asking over $10.00 an issue but most seem to be going for around $4-$5 an issue. I am not selling individual issues, I am selling the whole collection. I am asking $80.00 for all 138 magazines

Magazine issues are as follows:

Guitar Player 1983 - 9 Issues including: January, March, June, July, August, September, October, and December

Guitar Player 1984 - 5 Issues including: January, February, May, September, and December

Guitar Player 1985 - 6 Issues including: February, May, June, July, August, and September

Guitar Player 1986 - 4 Issues including: February, March, May, and October

Guitar Player 1987 - 5 Issues including: May, August, September, October, and December

Guitar Player 1988 - 5 Issues including: April, June, July, August, and February

Guitar Player 1989 - 5 Issues including: January, August, September, October,and December

Guitar Player 1990 - 9 Issues including: February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, and October

Guitar Player 1991 - 8 Issues including: 2 issues of January, one issue of February, March, April, May, July, and November

Guitar Player 1992 - 11 Issues including every issue except July

Guitar Player 1993 - 12 Issues, the complete volume

Guitar Player 1994 - 11 Issues including evey issue except August

Guitar Player 1995 - 12 Issues, the complete volume

Acoustic Guitar 1990 - 1 Premiere Issue

Acoustic Guitar 1994 - 2 Issues including the November/December issue and the 1994 Gear Guide

Acoustic Guitar 1995 - 7 Issues including the January/February issue, the May/June Issue, and July, August, October, November, and December

Acoustic Guitar 1996 - 2 Issues including January and May

Acoustic Guitar 1997 - 6 Issues including January, March, April, June, July, and August

Acoustic Guitar 1998 - 5 Issues including February, March, April, November, and December

Acoustic Guitar 1999 - 2 Issues including May and August

Acoustic Guitar 2001 - 1 Issue February

Assorted Guitar Magazines Including:

Musician Magazine - 2 Issues - February 1991 and August 1993

Country Guitar - 2 Issues - April 1994 and Summer 1995

Guitar Shop - 1 Issue - August 1995

Guitar School - 1 Issue - September 1989

Guitar World - 1 Issue - January 1994

Guitar Magazine - 3 Issues - July 1991, September 1996, and October 1997

138 issues in total.



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Posted Friday, October 04, 2024
Expires in 14 days (Wednesday, February 26)


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