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Pomsky(Mini Husky)


  • $999.00
  • Not specified

My EBrandon Msg inbox isn't working properly, please TXT MSG @ (204)293-1060 instead!!~(I don't answer phone calls of unknown #, TXT MSG 1st PLEASE!!!)

- $999 OBO - Black & white (heart shape on neck, 1 blue eye & 1 dark eye!) Current weight about 16lbs, estimated full grown size under 20lbs!!

- $2567.89 OBO - Silver & White (looks like mini husky, 1 blue eye & 1 dark eye!) Current weight about 18lbs, estimated full grown size 20lbs!!

- Born June 3rd ~ Buy Both Brothers?! $3000!

Ps. I won't take e-tranfers or any electronic payment forms to reduce odds of scammers & I don't do multi day holds (1st come, 1st serve, if driving from distance I won't sell to somebody else while waiting for you no worries) no deposit needed!!

Pss. For extra safety ontop I also only meet people inside Tim Hortons (they have cameras & people around) it's located in Winnipeg @ 188 Isabel

Warning: Do not send deposits connected to intent to purchase a pet that you have not yet seen yourself. Pet scams are known to occur, even in instances where a Manitoba phone number is used in correspondance



Ad Stats

Posted Friday, January 24, 6:26 PM
Expires in 7 days (Monday, February 24)


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