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3 Antique Chair Special


  • $600.00
  • Brandon

I just turned 80, and I am having to part with these family treasures as a result of moving into a Seniors' Home on March 17th, from my current 1,200 sq feet to 720 sq feet. I hate to give them up, but I simply won't have the room in my new accommodations.

I grew up with these chairs, which came from my Grandmother's home, when she gave them to her Daughter (My Mom), and Dad as a Wedding Gift, 82 years ago in 1943. (Mom passed away here in Brandon at age 99 in 2016.)

I'm offering the chairs for $300.00 each, or a special price of $600.00 in total for all 3.


The green ones are a pair. (1 straight back and 1 rocking) The wine coloured one, is a straight back, and is accompanied by a relaxing leg rest.


I am not in a panic to sell these chairs, as if they don't sell, I will simply donate all 3 of them to the Charitable Organization here in Brandon which accepts furniture donations to help homeless people become reestablished.



 3 Antique Chair Special
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Posted Friday, January 24, 6:44 PM
Expires in 7 days (Monday, February 24)


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