9 Laying Hens and Rooster
9 Laying hens and 1 rooster
Easter Egger/Barnyard mix but I think most of these hens lay blue/green eggs
Hens are approx 2 years old
Rooster is also 2 years old this year. Used to be handled quite a bit when younger, not mean whatsoever.
Hens were all laying regularly in fall, but I do not have additional light source in their coop so they haven?t laid in a couple months. They did the same last winter and picked right back up in spring, so if you do have a coop that has additional lighting and maybe additional heat/warmth, I?m sure they would start again. All hens were hatched on farm from previous flocks, and they have also been free ranging in the summer, so can be in a coop/run or free- ranged.
Reason for selling is just don?t have the time for them anymore.
$80 for all, or I would split into 2 groups for $10/bird. Pickup only, email only please.
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Posted Monday, 12:28 PM
Expires in 25 days (Thursday, March 06)