Trustfall said "I think it's time we got rid of the self-check outs at Walmart in Brandon. They few times that I've elected to skip the lineup for this option because I only have one or two items, I have found myself counting the number of staff "working" in the self-check out area. The last time I was there, there were two working both entrances, one collecting baskets and 4 others standing around chatting. Put those 4 on tills and lets get people "served" instead of having to serve themselves. "
You go into the store and get your own groceries? Pfft, they pay staff to do that through click and collect. Why should I have to leave my car and retrieve my own groceries, I'm not employed by Wal-Mart!
Just joking!
It kind of sounds like you'd rather see employees sweating and labouring rather than actually enjoy being at the workplace.
There are several functions that employees serve now, and with the introduction of self checkouts, those employees might actually enjoy their shift and be happier at work, while earning the same money, is this so terrible?
As someone who has worked in retail, and especially at the check-out lane, I can tell you that the worst part of the job is the horrible way that customers can treat the retail worker. Having self check outs reduces that in a big way and results in slightly happier staff....who doesn't want that?