JohnnyFever said "Thank you for the info and the scolding. Almost five thousand posts. You must spend a lot of time on the internet. "
I have nearly 5000 posts in 16 years. That's a whopping 6 posts a week (so less than 1 a day) and the bulk of those would have been in the early years when this was a very active forum. What you can't see is that I deleted Facebook about 7 years ago, and Twittter about 5 years ago.
But go on about how I spend to much time on the internet. I probably do, but I mean, I like catching up on news, read online subs:criptions, Google instructions and recipes, and research things for work. Oh, and I peridically post on ebrandon, the only social media account I kept.
Edited by Abbysmum, 2025-01-16 07:50:55