With the Province of Manitoba under a State of Emergency and the Prairie Mountain Health region being under Orange/Restricted status on the COVID-19 Pandemic Response System, please take necessary precautions when buying and selling through the classifieds service at this time.
Review Public Health Orders to be as informed as possible on present state and guidance.
Social distancing and limiting person-to-person contact is critical in limiting the virus' spread and as a result the following are asked of those that are engaging in transactions:
- do not act as seller of an item if experiencing or having recently experienced symptoms of illness or if anyone in your household has experienced the same
- do not act as buyer of an item if experiencing or having recently experienced symptoms of illness or if anyone in your household has experienced the same
- transact in as contactless of a manner as possible. Avoid the handshake that might otherwise be typical, practice social distancing by staying at least 6 feet (2 metres) apart wherever possible and limit contact to less than ten minutes.
- wear a mask when partaking in an exchange as buyer or seller
- ensure that hands are thoroughly washed prior to and following transacting
- ensure that items sold are thoroughly cleaned prior to sale by seller and, out of an abundance of caution, after purchase by the buyer
During the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, having an informed public is critical. For more details including information on prevention, risk and symptoms please visit:
Thank you for acting in the best interests of this community, we all have a part in limiting the effects of the COVID-19 virus. Thank you for your interest in eBrandon's Southwestern Manitoba classified ad marketplace