Joined: Feb 2009
Posts: 12
Hey there.
6/6/2009 at 2:17 PM
It is definitely a walk down Memory Lane, reading these posts.
I can add a few whom I have kept up with:
-Cindy Stevens(The Deck, Weather,FM News) now, In charge of most of MB Government Communications,Deputy Minister or something like that and The Queens Printer.
-Joe Czech (The Deck, Radio Announcer, worked for CKY Radio News) now works in Provincial Government communictions as well.
-Barb Czech(Ross) TV News, went to CKY-News now has her own Communications Business.
-Rob Kruk(News Camera) lives in Regina still a Camera Man doing some freelance and Independent TV Productions.
-Mark Humphries(The Deck)now owns his own Bag Pipe Band Drum Making Business down in the states, He has a Website.
-Mary Barol(not sureon spelling of last name)she worked in CKX News, and moved to Winnipeg MTN.
If you Google her name, you get a lot of sites popping up. She apparantly went back to School became a Lawyer, and works for one of the Big Media Companies down in Toronto. she is on the Banff Art School Board, etc.
-Wendell Philips(Camera Man in News and TV Production)is one of the top photojournalits in the country if not the world (he has his own website) he recently stayed with us when giving a showing of his work to raise money for different International
Charity Organizations. He lives in Vancouver with his charming wife Nancy who is Deputy-Chief Justice in British Columbia. We always start talking about the Old Days when we get together.
You can find him all over the World, where ever there is suffering, and usually danger, he'll be there.
As for myself, living in Winnipeg since 1991. wentback to school to get my sciences, as I wanted to get into radiation therapy, was having to many people I knew die of Cancer and wanted to help. Managed a American Footwear Manufacturing Company for 10 years, until I got injured at work. Gay and I have been married for 31 years.
Nowadays, it's house husband, people tell me Im a Student of the Arts, seems I can draw fairly well, all other time spent with my 4 yr old Yellow Labrador Retriever(I call him my therapy dog), he makes sure that I leave the house on a regular basis.
There is one memory of CKX Days that I consider not one of my better ones and that's when I got Brian Taylor's Job over Rod Slawson. I wish that it gone differently than it did, I know it ruined a friendship(I thought of everyone there as a friend,if not almost family). Rod,I just want to say I'm sorry things worked out the way they did. It has bothered me over the years. I know it might seem silly to you but that's just the way I am. Sorry, you were much better at the technical side of the job. Me, I just had the Gift of the Gab