Bookkeeping/Income Tax Service/Payroll
TR Bookkeeping Service is a Manitoba owned Income tax and Full Cycle bookkeeping service which provides full cycle bookkeeping, payroll, all T slips, full income tax service and over 30 years of experience. Our team was initially a all family business but the business has expended and now includes the original team as well as 7 team members with amazing experience of their own. In addition to our location in Winnipeg we now have a location Niverville, Manitoba and now in Brandon, Manitoba.
We can help organize your paperwork and finally get your books completed. We will work with your team to help save you money and get you up to date so you know your bottom line. Give us your box full of invoices and bills and we will give it back to you organized, books completed and income tax file. If you prefer, organize your receipts and we will complete the books and file the income tax.
Our experience covers many fields including home builders, developers, real estate brokerages, realtors, plumbers, electricians, handyman, beauty salons, non-profit, associations, signage companies, retail stores and fast food to name a few. We have experience in QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks desktop, Sage, Microsoft Great Plains, Payworks (payroll software), Cosmolex (lawyer software) and Yardi (property management) as well we are open to learn any web-based software required. As a bookkeeping service we are able to pass on a discount for QuickBooks online and Payworks software.
Our rates are competitive and often lower than other similar service-based bookkeeping/accounting firms. We hope to have the opportunity to do business together and help each other to prosper.
We have many references we can provide and look forward to helping meet your bookkeeping needs. We can be reached at 204-333-6757
Ad Stats
Posted Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Expires in 276 days (Thursday, November 20)